Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Dear Readers, YES, I am still working on my book! In fact, I think I may have finally cracked the code on Chapter 1, which has been giving me FITS. Fits I tell you! I've never been this blocked before. But, I don't know, Thursday during a run my mind cleared up and I was able to combine some advice from my many beta readers and fellow authors (I LOVE conventions for this very reason - the creativity just energizes me), and I think I came up with a solution to my problems. The Half-Blood should get back on track shortly. YAY! That said, while I did not intend to do another Thrifty Fashion post this soon, in honor of St. Patrick's Day, I give you a fun green themed post! You might be asking yourself (because I know I'm certainly asking myself), why the heck is this author/Marine/mother/wife writing a fashion blog? Aren't there like a bajillion fashion blogs out there? Why do we need another? We probably don't, and I don't think I'm a fashionista at all, but apparently some of my friends and family do, and they asked me to do one, soooo... I figured this would be kind of fun to do. So there. You can see my first post HERE, where I go into the basics of my style & kind of what my shopping "motto" is (never pay full price for anything), and that patience is a virtue (wait 3 years to find a specific pair of $250 Fluevog shoes for $40? Why yes I did...)
Green Vintage Special Agenda?Yes! Given that it was the day before St. Patrick's Day and the last day of the work week is typically more casual (because Congress is usually not in session) I wanted to wea [...]

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