Monday, May 14, 2012

BaltiCon Schedule, 2 new anthologies, & a general update

Ok, just a quick-ish update before I hit the rack. As I'm sure you may or may not have picked up on I'm crazy busy at the moment, so you get this update in list form: 1- In celebration of being asked to be a Guest of Honor at a convention for the first time, I'll be giving away free kindle copies of War of the Seasons: The Human on May 30th and 31st, the two days leading up to ConCarolinas. (as a reminder, kindle versions of WotS: The Human are always free to amazon prime members). 2- I'll be offline/traveling out of the country for the next week or so, but I'll be back just in time for BaltiCon (schedule posted below) 3- In case you haven't heard, I've got a new short story anthology coming out next month at Origins Game Fair. It's titled Time Traveled Tales and in addition to yours truly, also features stories from some of my very favorite people (and authors) Aaron Allston, Donald J. Bingle, Sarah Hans, R. T. Kaelin, Jean Rabe (also the editor), Steve Saus, Michael A. Stackpole, Bryan Young, and Timothy Zahn. You can read a great post about it on Aaron Allston's blog (OH MY GOSH I'VE GOT MY VERY OWN TAG ON HIS BLOG! Must not fangirl... too much.) Toche Station also posted about it here (holy cow I've got ANOTHER tag! WOOOO!). 4- I've got another anthology coming out. This one is non-fiction and is about world building. In addition to myself, Bryan Young, Steve Sau [...]

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