Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Thrifty fashion: Butterflies, Vintage, and Flowers

A couple of things before I get into my fashion post. First off, you know I like to run right? No? Well, I do. If you want a full report on the races I run you can read my awesome husband's running blog, Also, I just did a guest post on it (the latter 1/2 of the most recent post in italics - it's all about running gear) so go check it out! Yes, I know I still owe you a RavenCon wrap up.. it's coming, I promise. I started a Pinterest account, so feel free to add me there. And if you're on, I've got a project there too (yes I know I'm behind - I'll be catching up shortly). As for War of the Seasons, book 2: The Half-Blood, it's off with my editor, as is Songs of the Seasons, song 2: White Flag. So look for them respectively in June and May. Now, how about a Thrifty fashion post? Now for a bit of Vintage, Butterflies, and Flowers! :)
You might be asking yourself (because I know I'm certainly asking myself), why the heck is this author/Marine/mother/wife writing a fashion blog? A [...]

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