Monday, March 26, 2012

Why I wrote War of the Seasons & Happy Birthday Will, TK8432

I sometimes get asked why I wrote War of the Seasons: The Human. Today seemed like an appropriate day to answer that question. If you own a copy of my book and you look at the dedication you'll see it's "For Will." Who was Will? William Harrell Snell was born on March 26, 1990 and died in a car accident on Aug 4, 2008. This was the memorial I wrote about Will a week after he died: I first met Will in the Spring of 2003. I was walking down Elm St in Swansboro, NC. I was looking for a place to rent, since my apartment in New Bern was in the ghetto and there had been a drive-by shooting, and Ron (who was currently stationed in Pensacola, FL) was not comfortable with me living there alone any more. I stopped at a home (204 Elm st) that had a man working on a bike outside. His name was Jimmy, and I asked him if there were any homes for rent in the area. He said he didn't know, so called for his wife, Beth to come out side and answer. Beth came out, and we were introduced, and was very shortly followed by a young, gangly looking boy. That was Will. ☺ We talked and socialized, and I met Laura too (her daughter) & Beth took my name and number, and said she'd call if she thought of anything. Well, she called not 30 minutes later and said she couldn't bare to think of me living all alone in the ghetto, and would I like to move in with she and her son Will? (her daughter was at school, and her husband lived in their home in Columbia, SC, and Beth was renting that house since she was an activated Naval reservist). Of course I said yes! Living in a charming 100 year old home, on the water in Swansboro, NC with a sweet woman and her adorable son was about a million times better then living alone in the ghetto. I started moving my things in the next day. Will and I clicked instantly. He was so much like my litt [...]

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