SOOOOOO I've got my Farpoint schedule, so if you're going to be there, LET ME KNOW/COME FIND ME! I want to see you!
Apparently I'm the Author Guest of Honor at the Friday Cocktail Party (I've emailed to see if this is true or was a typo on my schedule, but I've not heard anything back)… somehow I find this (me being the Author GOH) hard to believe, but I'm going to show up in the off chance it is true. If it's not, then no biggie, either way I'm looking forward to socializing/seeing fellow Farpoint attendees. It begins at 1900, so I hope to see you there!
Everywhere else I'll be:
Farpoint Book Fair, 2200 Dulaney Valley 1
Beating Writer's Block 1000 Chesapeake 1
How to Kill A Character 1100 Chesapeake 1
The Heirs To Harry: Young Adult Science Fiction in Books & Film 1600 Chesapeake 1
Antihero or Villain: What's the Difference? 1000 Chesapeake 1
Crowdfunding Your Project 1100 Chesapeake 1
Autograph Table 1200 Atrium Front
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Oh hey! Remember when I used to do these? It's been like over a YEAR. And I have a ton of pics/outfits that I haven't posted about and went through all the trouble of getting pics of, sooooooo I'm going to do another post.
I'm going to do two looks - one winter because, yeah, winter, and one summer, BECAUSE I MISS THE SUN OKAY.

You might be asking yourself (because I know I'm certainly asking myself), why the heck is this author/Marine/mother/wife writing a fashion blog? Aren't there like a bajillion fashion blogs out there? Why do we need another?
We probably don't, and I don't think I'm a fashionista at all, but apparently some of my friends and family do, and they asked me to do one, soooo... I figured this would be kind of fun to do. So there.
You can see my first post HERE, where I go into the basics of my style & kind of what my shopping "motto" is (never pay full price for anything), and that patience is a virtue (wait 3 years to find a specific pair of $250 Fluevog shoes for $40? Why yes I did...)

WINTER, Special Agenda? OK, I lied, this is more of a spring outfit. But I wore it on a mild winter day and it has a coat! Oh gosh how much do I love this coat! Another great Anthropologie find - it was on a deep clearance because it had a nasty stain across the front, but looking at it, I thought it could be gotten out with a bit of dry cleaning, or, at the very least, I could swap out the buttons and have the jacket fold over a different way. I need not have worried - it came right out at the cleaners!

Vintage style dress, $30 (boutique in Calgary, Canada)
Ralph Lauren handbag, $15 (thrift store - yes, it's real)
Fly London sandal heels, $35 (clearance shop in Paris)
Captain America necklace, gift from a friend
Bow headband, $8 at Claire's
Ruby earrings, gift from my mother
Total: $98. At full price would have been: approx $1500. (though about $1,000 would have been the purse… and I would NEVER have spent that much on a purse!)

SUMMER, Special Agenda? Nope. I found this dress on a deep clearance at Anthropologie and loved it. Then as soon as the weather was warm enough I didn't hesitate to wear it!

Anthropologie maxi-dress, $40
Ralph Lauren handbag (because we didn't get enough of it in the previous outfit!), $15 (thrift store - yes, it's real)
Fly London sandal heels (because we didn't get enough of them in the previous outfit!), $35 (clearance shop in Paris)
Necklace, $6 (clearance at Macy's)
Total: $96. At full price would have been: approx $1,425.00. again, like $1,000 of that is the purse.

Lastly, need a copy of my books? As it happens you can buy them here.